Walton And Johnson

Walton And Johnson

The legacy of the Walton & Johnson show continues after 4 decades as Steve Johnson hosts with longtime producer Kenny Webster. The show is a mix of...Full Bio


Migrant murder suspect posed as minor and snuck into the country

He pretended to be an unaccompanied minor to get into the country before purportedly murdering someone who tried to give him a home.

A 24-year-old Honduran immigrant who’s charged with murder in the brutal stabbing death of a Florida man had crossed the US border illegally months earlier while posing as an unaccompanied minor, an investigation by The Post found.
Yery Noel Medina Ulloa was busted Oct. 7 in Jacksonville when he was found covered in blood after allegedly killing Francisco Javier Cuellar, 46, a father of four who had taken in the immigrant who told authorities he was 17.
Police said they followed a trail of blood back to the victim’s home and arrested Ulloa, placing him in a juvenile detention facility.
It wasn’t until Oct. 13 that authorities learned his real identity — and his true age.
Ulloa, who turned 24 on Friday, had duped border authorities in Texas several months earlier by claiming he was a teenager named Reynel Alexander Hernandez — and even told his mom about the ruse.
“When he entered [the US] he told me, ‘Mommy, I didn’t go in with my name,'” his mother, Wendy Florencia Ulloa, told the Spanish-language Univision network. “‘I went in with the name of another person because right there at the shelter they helped me.”
In keeping with President Joe Biden’s border policy on unaccompanied minors crossing the US border, Ulloa wasn’t turned away but instead placed in a shelter.
He was then given a “Notice to Appear” and released, officials told The Post.
Eventually, Cuellar took Ulloa to his Jacksonville home.
“‘Mommy, he is my uncle Frank,'” his mother said he told her on the phone. Ulloa and Cuellar are not related, despite Ulloa’s use of the moniker. “‘I live with him. But don’t worry. He treats me like a son.'”
It is unclear how Ulloa ended up in Florida after being detained in Texas — nor whether he was transported by way of the Biden administration’s secret flights to resettle underage immigrants, revealed in an exclusive expose by The Post last month.
Routes for the flights included from Texas to Jacksonville, the report noted.
Officials at Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Border Patrol and Office of Refugee Resettlement did not immediately respond to inquiries about how Ulloa wound up in Florida.

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